As someone who is not a blogger I thought it was absolutely necessary for me to begin one now that Josh and I will be moving to North Carolina next month. A way for all of you to keep in contact with us!
Josh and I found out about moving to North Carolina on Thursday and as of today, December 5th have told our family and my work, which is why we can now let everyone else know about our move. Josh works for a construction company who builds various projects for the government on various military bases. One of those being in North Carolina. We knew from the very beginning that moving was a possibility, but we didn't know how likely it would be. Sure enough we are moving! The project he gets to work on is currently undergoing so there is only 10-12 months left which means one of two things. Either we will be returning to CA in a year, OR we will be put onto another project elsewhere. Only God knows.
The specs: at this point we do not know the exact day that we have to leave. Only that it will be soon after Christmas. We will be given money to travel/drive all the way to the East Coast which is over 2,600 miles and at least 40 hours of straight driving. Thankfully we have a whole week to get there! So, we're going to take advantage of the fact that we get to drive through 7 states we've never been to and enjoy them! Not sure what exactly we get to enjoy...but we'll soon find out! His company has also given us a place to live and though we are not sure of the location exactly we do know that it is a house which we are both excited about!
To be completely honest - the best part about all of this is the adventure that we get to embark upon! We absolutely believe that God knows what he is doing and has the perfect plan in mind for us! We know that although we will spend this next year with many different adventures that we will be stretched, challenged, and hopefully grow in ways that we could not have if we were still living in Southern CA. We are absolutely looking forward to adventuring and getting to experience life on the East Coast!